Assistant Professor, NMIMS School of Design (2018 – present)
Visiting Faculty, NMIMS School of Design (2018)
Talks, Workshops and Mentoring
Assistant Professor, NMIMS School of Design (2018 – present)
Duties :
- Curriculum development
- Lab Incharge : Digital Fabrication Lab, Workshop, Electronics Prototyping Lab
- Lab Staff Training : CAD Modelling, Digital Fabrication, Electronics Prototyping, Coding
- Library liason
Modules :
Product Design and Technology
- Connected Experiences (Project : Design Solutions based on IOT Systems) (Year 3)
- Simple Product Design (Project) (Year 2)
- Interaction Design (Project) (Year 2)
- Sensorial Design (Project) (Year 2)
New Media
- Data and Data Visualization (Year 2)
- Physical Computing (Year 2)
- Creative Coding and Generative Art (Year 1)
Design Fundamentals
- Design Theory (Year 1)
- Ideation and Prototyping (Project) (Year 2)
- Form Explorations (Year 1)
- CAD Basics (Year 2)
Talks, Workshops And Mentoring :
Product Design and Design Thinking
Design Thinking Mentor at Vernacular Innovation Program, NITI Aayog
(Dec 2021 – present)
NEXT Eduthon by MakeShift EDC (Jun-July 2020)
- Talk on Design Thinking
- Workshop on The Design Process
Digital Fabrication and Design
Workshops on 3D modelling and 3D printing at Maker’s Asylum (2014 – 2019)
- Autodesk Inventor
- Fusion 360
Workshops on Lasercutting with various applications at Maker’s Asylum (2015 – 2019)
- Lasercutting for Prototyping
- Origami with Lasercutting
- Lasercut Lights and Lamps
- Jewellery design and production
- Paper prototyping and packaging design for the lasercutter
Mentor at STEAM School, Maker’s Asylum
- STEAM 2016, STEAM 2017 and STEAM 2018
- STEAM Fabrikarium, 2018